Simple Book Store App - Free source code - Android project By Zoranin Mobile Apps - February 17, 2022 Comments: 0 Views: 692 This app allows the user to select and buy or rent the book from this book app store. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your computer.This whole project has only one concept, which is to provide a wide range of book products to their customers. In order to run the project, first, install Android Studio. Then import the project from the studio’s homepage. Your project setup will automatically start. All the Gradle build files will automatically install inside your project root directory. Run the project and set up your virtual device and run the emulator. Here, in this project, you can select different types of book items. Then from those options, you can select any type of product you want to buy.This whole project is developed in Android studio. Here java programming language is used for the field validation and also XML language for the transferring of data. This project keeps asking you about the plugin update to keep your internet alive. And moreover, you will need to update your SDK version, and also you have to update your instant run plugins.Download [53.48 Mb] (Downloads: 7)
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