Tutorials The magic of Dispatchers and how to make your own Main I think now there are no people left who are unfamiliar with coroutines in Kotlin. Magic tool, right? Even more magical about them, I find Aug 11, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 213
Tutorials Why you need to adapt your application for Huawei AppGallery and how to do it. The number of Huawei devices is growing and customization of applications for the Huawei AppGallery is becoming more and more Jul 23, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 033
Tutorials Interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS ui testing In this article, I want to talk about interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS tests and show how they can be effectively handled in my Jun 27, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 639
Tutorials Garbage collection in Flutter We do mobile development mainly on Flutter. In this article, let's talk about the algorithm that is used in any application - the garbage Jun 18, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 2 093
Tutorials Serialization mechanisms in Java and Kotlin A little about the definitions of “serialization” and “deserialization” There are several examples of the use of these mechanisms: Storing Jun 8, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 661
Tutorials Convenient transcription for quick processing of audio recordings Description Audio-to-text conversion is widely used, for example, to create subtitles for videos, minutes of meetings, and transcripts of May 13, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 318
Tutorials Kotlin, handle exceptions in coroutines correctly As a Kotlin developer, you probably know that coroutines throw exceptions when they fail. Perhaps you think that such exceptions are handled May 7, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 912
Tutorials Database on SharedPreferences - Android Kotlin Android uses DataBase (SQLite, FireBase, etc.) to store a lot of information, and SharedPreferences is used to simply store settings. The Apr 29, 2022By DorinK Comments: 0 Views: 770
Tutorials How to track network connection status in Swift? Hello, native implementation, bye, Reachability Most of the implementations you can find for monitoring the network connection of your iOS device rely on third party dependencies such Apr 23, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 881
Tutorials Build.prop - sound quality improvement Almost everyone who has ever put ROOT rights on Android has heard about such a file as build.prop and tweaks for it. In this article, we will Apr 18, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 2 Views: 10 985