Development of virtual reality (VR) applications By TMarcelin Blog - February 12, 2022 Comments: 0 Views: 843 If back in 2015 less than 40% of developers and users estimated virtual reality technologies as promising, now there are almost no doubters left. And the industry itself is growing rapidly: in 2016, its total income was just over $200 million, but in 2021 it exceeds $5 billion. Such a qualitative leap became possible due to the gradual reduction in the cost of equipment required for immersion in VR - special helmets and glasses.Developers also do not sit still, creating new virtual reality applications that allow you to learn, have fun, travel, learn new things with immersion in other worlds and locations that was impossible before.What is virtual reality (VR)?VR ( virtual reality, virtual reality ) is a world, an environment created using various technical means, implying an impact on all or certain human senses. It is usually limited to audio-visual impact, however, it is more than enough to transport you to a completely different place with the help of special glasses or a helmet, which can be a 360-degree video or animation.Also, the concept of AR stands out separately - augmented reality. This technology allows you to supplement the real world with animated or other virtual objects. The most notable example of its use is the virtual Pokémon hunting craze that took place a few years ago.VR/AR app development is on the rise as more powerful smartphones proliferate and the price of special goggles and helmets drops. Users like this software, because it allows you to visit real and fictional places without leaving your place, but at the same time with a high level of immersion.VR Application DevelopmentTechnically, the development of VR applications is not much different from the creation of any other mobile software . The algorithm and sequence of actions are approximately the same everywhere, and the timing, cost and other aspects depend on how complex and functional the program you need. But still, in the case of applications that operate on virtual reality, there are certain nuances that should be taken into account.Firstly, this is still a new niche, and there are not many developers in it who are highly qualified and have decent experience. Not every studio undertakes such tasks. Secondly, it requires a much larger scale than in other cases, the involvement of designers and animation specialists. Moreover, they must be high-class professionals, because the detail, drawing here should be almost an order of magnitude higher compared to conventional games and other types of software. However, we have all these resources, and we are happy to perform such tasks, otherwise we would not talk about why VR applications are cool and the future lies with them.The whole process takes place as follows:‣ Designing a VR application. This stage can be called the most difficult and time-consuming for software of this kind. Especially if large-scale animation is required. However, a team of good specialists copes with the task quickly enough. ‣ Writing program code.At this stage, the application itself is created. Screens, animations, graphics - all this turns from a set of pictures into a virtual environment, which you can immerse yourself in using a pre-selected VR equipment - a helmet or glasses.‣ Testing.As with any other mobile software development, VR applications are extensively tested and improved as bugs are identified. The customer receives a product that works stably, without failures, and fully complies with the terms of reference.The time spent on creating a VR application is 1-2 months for simple and relatively simple programs, and up to six months for complex projects.Virtual reality on iPhoneFor the iPhone and iOS in general, quite a few mobile applications with virtual reality have already been developed, which differ in purpose and functionality. Basically, they have an entertaining and educational orientation, and in any case, using them, you can get a lot of positive emotions. Some of the most popular software include:Google streetview. The VR version of the widespread program allows you to conduct excursions to different parts of the world with maximum immersion and realism.Jaunt VR. An application that has a database of many 360-degree videos. Video is both informative and entertaining.Relax VR. Great app for stress relief. With it, the user can go on an excursion to the most beautiful, calm, conducive to meditation corners of the planet.Virtual Reality Moon. Probably, for the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth, using this program is the only opportunity to visit the surface of the Moon, to see everything there, and also to see their home planet and the ISS from a new angle.VR Roller Coaster. And this is an adrenaline rush. Virtual attractions with cool graphics let you go to the amusement park from the comfort of your couch.HYUNDAI VR+. The Korean automaker has released its own virtual reality app that lets you take on the role of a passenger in a rally car during a race.This is only a small part of what has already been developed and is popular among iPhone owners. Games, travel, entertainment - you can find anything.Virtual Reality Apps on AndroidAndroid developers from their Apple-focused antagonists are also constantly creating something cool. In particular, we can highlight:Google Cardboard. A must-have app for branded augmented reality glasses. It allows you to work in virtual reality mode with all major applications and services from Google.AAA VR Cinema. A universal video player for a smartphone that allows you to watch almost any video, including your own videos, using virtual reality glasses.expeditions. An educational app with 360-degree videos from over 200 expeditions stored in its database. You can just enjoy the video, work out future routes or travel from the comfort of their home.Google Arts and Culture. Virtual guide to museums and cultural monuments. No need to go anywhere - smartphone, glasses or helmet, and you can see all the most interesting right now.Titans of Space. An educational, cognitive application with which you can go on a journey through the solar system, studying and comparing planets, satellites.In general, there are many more VR apps developed for Android devices than for iPhones. However, this is logical, given the much greater variety of equipment and the number of active users.The cost of developing a VR applicationThe cost of developing an application is determined on an individual basis. It depends on the functionality, the required functions, the need for support and other aspects.
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