Tutorials Working with ML Kit in Android: how to recognize barcodes The world's first barcode purchase dates back to June 26, 1974 - it was a package of chewing gum in one of the US supermarkets. By reading information from a barcode, according to various estimates, it is possible to speed up operations with goods by an average of 30%. Now barcodes are scanned by UI Kits DateOs - Trendy UI Kit for Calendar - Figma project DateOS UI Kit will facilitate the work of every designer looking to build a calendar app. 50+ Unique UI Elements, trendy design, Calendar, date picker, events, schedule are some of the features available. All components are customizable including fonts and colors. Main Features Sketch, Mobile Apps Write Images to Camera Roll in iOS Writing an image to the camera roll is fairly simple in iOS development, but when it comes to detecting when the image has been written to the camera roll, it is not as simple as we think. Surprisingly, Apple does not give us any closure-based APIs that we can leverage to know exactly when the Tutorials Android studio. Kotlin. Saving the file in the public Download folder In working on my project, I spent most of the time figuring out how to correctly save the file to a public folder, for example, Download. I have not been able to find a clear and concise explanation on the internet. Collected information in parts and reached the result by trial and error. This UI Kits Splash Event Finder Mobile App - Figma project Event Finder App UI Kit is designed with modern design trends. The kit is easy to customize, includes global color and font styles. Splash Event Finder Mobile App UI kit will help you to find parties, seminars and events easily, also you can be a host of any event. What you get? Adobe XD UI Kits Socialis - iPhone X Screens Social Media App UI Kit - Figma project Socialis is a social media app UI Kit with a clean and sleek style containing 60+ high-quality screens and 100+ components for iOS with iPhone X screen size (375px x 812px) ready to use and ready to kickstart your design process. Figma compatible with well layered and organized layers. Free Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase integration, productivity features, and can also be combined with Apple Silicon. We'll find out what's interesting in the new version under the cut. Path to Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine? RECENTLY ADDED ARTICLES Tutorials The magic of Dispatchers and how to make your own Main I think now there are no people left who are unfamiliar with coroutines in Kotlin. Magic tool, right? Even more magical about them, I find Aug 11, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 219 Tutorials Why you need to adapt your application for Huawei AppGallery and how to do it. The number of Huawei devices is growing and customization of applications for the Huawei AppGallery is becoming more and more Jul 23, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 037 Tutorials Interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS ui testing In this article, I want to talk about interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS tests and show how they can be effectively handled in my Jun 27, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 646 Tutorials Garbage collection in Flutter We do mobile development mainly on Flutter. In this article, let's talk about the algorithm that is used in any application - the garbage Jun 18, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 2 095 Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase Jun 14, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 29 154 Tutorials Serialization mechanisms in Java and Kotlin A little about the definitions of “serialization” and “deserialization” There are several examples of the use of these mechanisms: Storing Jun 8, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 664 Blog Apple will not allow applications in the AppStore without the ability to delete an account As well as cleaning up all user-related and user-created content. AppStore Connect users are getting emails asking them to check their App May 30, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 573 Blog How I stopped being afraid and started sharing secrets with my phone I don’t know about you, but I can’t say that I love it, but I see a lot of benefit in introspection, or, in simple terms, May 21, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 469 Blog Why might your app not be missed or even removed from the App Store? I put together a list of common reasons why not to do it. Some of them are based on personal experience, others you may have heard of, or May 16, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 280 Tutorials Convenient transcription for quick processing of audio recordings Description Audio-to-text conversion is widely used, for example, to create subtitles for videos, minutes of meetings, and transcripts of May 13, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 322 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 15Next Trending Now RECENT COMMENTS Adam Moore: I was having the same problems as you and I'm a native English speaker. This guide was exactly what bagher: thanks for you baby Roland: Thx a lot. Your article helped me a lot! but from api 30 on you might have a problem: the wyup: Thanks for the tip. One thing to note is checking /vendor/default.prop because it has precedence Tim: Thanks for all of this, I had never encountered a number of these. I've been trying for a minute to Advertising Space ✕ AUTHORIZATION LOGIN USERNAME PASSWORD Remember me LOST PASSWORD CREATE AN ACCOUNT ✕ Blog Mobile Apps UI Kits Tutorials OTHER SECTIONS Contact Us DMCA Privacy Policy Disclaimer About Us
UI Kits DateOs - Trendy UI Kit for Calendar - Figma project DateOS UI Kit will facilitate the work of every designer looking to build a calendar app. 50+ Unique UI Elements, trendy design, Calendar, date picker, events, schedule are some of the features available. All components are customizable including fonts and colors. Main Features Sketch, Mobile Apps Write Images to Camera Roll in iOS Writing an image to the camera roll is fairly simple in iOS development, but when it comes to detecting when the image has been written to the camera roll, it is not as simple as we think. Surprisingly, Apple does not give us any closure-based APIs that we can leverage to know exactly when the Tutorials Android studio. Kotlin. Saving the file in the public Download folder In working on my project, I spent most of the time figuring out how to correctly save the file to a public folder, for example, Download. I have not been able to find a clear and concise explanation on the internet. Collected information in parts and reached the result by trial and error. This UI Kits Splash Event Finder Mobile App - Figma project Event Finder App UI Kit is designed with modern design trends. The kit is easy to customize, includes global color and font styles. Splash Event Finder Mobile App UI kit will help you to find parties, seminars and events easily, also you can be a host of any event. What you get? Adobe XD UI Kits Socialis - iPhone X Screens Social Media App UI Kit - Figma project Socialis is a social media app UI Kit with a clean and sleek style containing 60+ high-quality screens and 100+ components for iOS with iPhone X screen size (375px x 812px) ready to use and ready to kickstart your design process. Figma compatible with well layered and organized layers. Free Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase integration, productivity features, and can also be combined with Apple Silicon. We'll find out what's interesting in the new version under the cut. Path to Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine? RECENTLY ADDED ARTICLES Tutorials The magic of Dispatchers and how to make your own Main I think now there are no people left who are unfamiliar with coroutines in Kotlin. Magic tool, right? Even more magical about them, I find Aug 11, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 219 Tutorials Why you need to adapt your application for Huawei AppGallery and how to do it. The number of Huawei devices is growing and customization of applications for the Huawei AppGallery is becoming more and more Jul 23, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 037 Tutorials Interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS ui testing In this article, I want to talk about interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS tests and show how they can be effectively handled in my Jun 27, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 646 Tutorials Garbage collection in Flutter We do mobile development mainly on Flutter. In this article, let's talk about the algorithm that is used in any application - the garbage Jun 18, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 2 095 Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase Jun 14, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 29 154 Tutorials Serialization mechanisms in Java and Kotlin A little about the definitions of “serialization” and “deserialization” There are several examples of the use of these mechanisms: Storing Jun 8, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 664 Blog Apple will not allow applications in the AppStore without the ability to delete an account As well as cleaning up all user-related and user-created content. AppStore Connect users are getting emails asking them to check their App May 30, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 573 Blog How I stopped being afraid and started sharing secrets with my phone I don’t know about you, but I can’t say that I love it, but I see a lot of benefit in introspection, or, in simple terms, May 21, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 469 Blog Why might your app not be missed or even removed from the App Store? I put together a list of common reasons why not to do it. Some of them are based on personal experience, others you may have heard of, or May 16, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 280 Tutorials Convenient transcription for quick processing of audio recordings Description Audio-to-text conversion is widely used, for example, to create subtitles for videos, minutes of meetings, and transcripts of May 13, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 322 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 15Next Trending Now RECENT COMMENTS Adam Moore: I was having the same problems as you and I'm a native English speaker. This guide was exactly what bagher: thanks for you baby Roland: Thx a lot. Your article helped me a lot! but from api 30 on you might have a problem: the wyup: Thanks for the tip. One thing to note is checking /vendor/default.prop because it has precedence Tim: Thanks for all of this, I had never encountered a number of these. I've been trying for a minute to Advertising Space ✕ AUTHORIZATION LOGIN USERNAME PASSWORD Remember me LOST PASSWORD CREATE AN ACCOUNT
Mobile Apps Write Images to Camera Roll in iOS Writing an image to the camera roll is fairly simple in iOS development, but when it comes to detecting when the image has been written to the camera roll, it is not as simple as we think. Surprisingly, Apple does not give us any closure-based APIs that we can leverage to know exactly when the Tutorials Android studio. Kotlin. Saving the file in the public Download folder In working on my project, I spent most of the time figuring out how to correctly save the file to a public folder, for example, Download. I have not been able to find a clear and concise explanation on the internet. Collected information in parts and reached the result by trial and error. This UI Kits Splash Event Finder Mobile App - Figma project Event Finder App UI Kit is designed with modern design trends. The kit is easy to customize, includes global color and font styles. Splash Event Finder Mobile App UI kit will help you to find parties, seminars and events easily, also you can be a host of any event. What you get? Adobe XD UI Kits Socialis - iPhone X Screens Social Media App UI Kit - Figma project Socialis is a social media app UI Kit with a clean and sleek style containing 60+ high-quality screens and 100+ components for iOS with iPhone X screen size (375px x 812px) ready to use and ready to kickstart your design process. Figma compatible with well layered and organized layers. Free Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase integration, productivity features, and can also be combined with Apple Silicon. We'll find out what's interesting in the new version under the cut. Path to Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine? RECENTLY ADDED ARTICLES Tutorials The magic of Dispatchers and how to make your own Main I think now there are no people left who are unfamiliar with coroutines in Kotlin. Magic tool, right? Even more magical about them, I find Aug 11, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 219 Tutorials Why you need to adapt your application for Huawei AppGallery and how to do it. The number of Huawei devices is growing and customization of applications for the Huawei AppGallery is becoming more and more Jul 23, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 037 Tutorials Interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS ui testing In this article, I want to talk about interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS tests and show how they can be effectively handled in my Jun 27, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 646 Tutorials Garbage collection in Flutter We do mobile development mainly on Flutter. In this article, let's talk about the algorithm that is used in any application - the garbage Jun 18, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 2 095 Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase Jun 14, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 29 154 Tutorials Serialization mechanisms in Java and Kotlin A little about the definitions of “serialization” and “deserialization” There are several examples of the use of these mechanisms: Storing Jun 8, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 664 Blog Apple will not allow applications in the AppStore without the ability to delete an account As well as cleaning up all user-related and user-created content. AppStore Connect users are getting emails asking them to check their App May 30, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 573 Blog How I stopped being afraid and started sharing secrets with my phone I don’t know about you, but I can’t say that I love it, but I see a lot of benefit in introspection, or, in simple terms, May 21, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 469 Blog Why might your app not be missed or even removed from the App Store? I put together a list of common reasons why not to do it. Some of them are based on personal experience, others you may have heard of, or May 16, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 280 Tutorials Convenient transcription for quick processing of audio recordings Description Audio-to-text conversion is widely used, for example, to create subtitles for videos, minutes of meetings, and transcripts of May 13, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 322 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 15Next Trending Now RECENT COMMENTS Adam Moore: I was having the same problems as you and I'm a native English speaker. This guide was exactly what bagher: thanks for you baby Roland: Thx a lot. Your article helped me a lot! but from api 30 on you might have a problem: the wyup: Thanks for the tip. One thing to note is checking /vendor/default.prop because it has precedence Tim: Thanks for all of this, I had never encountered a number of these. I've been trying for a minute to Advertising Space
Tutorials Android studio. Kotlin. Saving the file in the public Download folder In working on my project, I spent most of the time figuring out how to correctly save the file to a public folder, for example, Download. I have not been able to find a clear and concise explanation on the internet. Collected information in parts and reached the result by trial and error. This UI Kits Splash Event Finder Mobile App - Figma project Event Finder App UI Kit is designed with modern design trends. The kit is easy to customize, includes global color and font styles. Splash Event Finder Mobile App UI kit will help you to find parties, seminars and events easily, also you can be a host of any event. What you get? Adobe XD UI Kits Socialis - iPhone X Screens Social Media App UI Kit - Figma project Socialis is a social media app UI Kit with a clean and sleek style containing 60+ high-quality screens and 100+ components for iOS with iPhone X screen size (375px x 812px) ready to use and ready to kickstart your design process. Figma compatible with well layered and organized layers. Free Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase integration, productivity features, and can also be combined with Apple Silicon. We'll find out what's interesting in the new version under the cut. Path to Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine?
UI Kits Splash Event Finder Mobile App - Figma project Event Finder App UI Kit is designed with modern design trends. The kit is easy to customize, includes global color and font styles. Splash Event Finder Mobile App UI kit will help you to find parties, seminars and events easily, also you can be a host of any event. What you get? Adobe XD UI Kits Socialis - iPhone X Screens Social Media App UI Kit - Figma project Socialis is a social media app UI Kit with a clean and sleek style containing 60+ high-quality screens and 100+ components for iOS with iPhone X screen size (375px x 812px) ready to use and ready to kickstart your design process. Figma compatible with well layered and organized layers. Free Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase integration, productivity features, and can also be combined with Apple Silicon. We'll find out what's interesting in the new version under the cut. Path to Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine?
UI Kits Socialis - iPhone X Screens Social Media App UI Kit - Figma project Socialis is a social media app UI Kit with a clean and sleek style containing 60+ high-quality screens and 100+ components for iOS with iPhone X screen size (375px x 812px) ready to use and ready to kickstart your design process. Figma compatible with well layered and organized layers. Free Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase integration, productivity features, and can also be combined with Apple Silicon. We'll find out what's interesting in the new version under the cut. Path to Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine?
Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase integration, productivity features, and can also be combined with Apple Silicon. We'll find out what's interesting in the new version under the cut. Path to Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine?
Tutorials Kotlin - how suspend works under the hood How does the compiler transform suspend code so that coroutines can be suspended and resumed? Coroutines in Kotlin are represented by the suspend keyword . Wonder what's going on inside? How does the compiler translate suspend blocks into code that supports suspending and resuming a coroutine?
Tutorials The magic of Dispatchers and how to make your own Main I think now there are no people left who are unfamiliar with coroutines in Kotlin. Magic tool, right? Even more magical about them, I find Aug 11, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 219
Tutorials Why you need to adapt your application for Huawei AppGallery and how to do it. The number of Huawei devices is growing and customization of applications for the Huawei AppGallery is becoming more and more Jul 23, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 037
Tutorials Interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS ui testing In this article, I want to talk about interacting with alerts and permissions in iOS tests and show how they can be effectively handled in my Jun 27, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 646
Tutorials Garbage collection in Flutter We do mobile development mainly on Flutter. In this article, let's talk about the algorithm that is used in any application - the garbage Jun 18, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 2 095
Blog About Flutter 3 Flutter 3 is the final step in moving from a mobile to a multi-platform framework that supports macOS and Linux desktop apps, Firebase Jun 14, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 29 154
Tutorials Serialization mechanisms in Java and Kotlin A little about the definitions of “serialization” and “deserialization” There are several examples of the use of these mechanisms: Storing Jun 8, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 664
Blog Apple will not allow applications in the AppStore without the ability to delete an account As well as cleaning up all user-related and user-created content. AppStore Connect users are getting emails asking them to check their App May 30, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 573
Blog How I stopped being afraid and started sharing secrets with my phone I don’t know about you, but I can’t say that I love it, but I see a lot of benefit in introspection, or, in simple terms, May 21, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 1 469
Blog Why might your app not be missed or even removed from the App Store? I put together a list of common reasons why not to do it. Some of them are based on personal experience, others you may have heard of, or May 16, 2022By admin Comments: 0 Views: 1 280
Tutorials Convenient transcription for quick processing of audio recordings Description Audio-to-text conversion is widely used, for example, to create subtitles for videos, minutes of meetings, and transcripts of May 13, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 322