Meteor - Rideshare UI Kit - Figma project By adminin UI Kits - February 5, 2022 Comments: 0 Views: 737 This is an app for people who want to rent a car for quotidian rides. It instantly provides users with the most convenient options.This UI Kit features a renting flow. The first screen shows a map with nearby cars and cards with available types of vehicles. Ride details - time, distance, price - are shown on the second screen.Having analyzed popular car rental apps, we've found that a map is a very important element of this kind of apps. Based on this, we've chosen a light color palette not to distract users from what matters most to them. We've also used the effects of neumorphism (design trend of 2020) on car cards for better usability - it makes it obvious for a user that a card is tappable.What are the cool features of this app? There are lots of them! Ability to view parking lots, a route to a chosen car, and the time it will take to reach it. Quick choice of a vehicle... and did we mention an ability to review past rides and road trips? This is a great way to keep track of your movements.Highlights:30 ScreensOrganized Layer & GroupFree Google FontsDesign System & Style GuideMinimal, Modern, and Clean DesignLight & Dark ThemeDownload [9.13 Mb] (Downloads: 4)
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