Changing Android SVG graphic color programmatically By Zoranin Tutorials - February 4, 2022 Comments: 0 Views: 813 You can use vector graphics on Android and change the graphic color with code. In this way, it is not necessary to use different graphics for each color.The actions I wanted to do were:- Being able to choose colors for a folder list and folder icons in the list.- Using a single vector graphic.My actions:I downloaded an icon from FontAwesome in SVG format.Then it was necessary to transfer it to Android Studio. But the format drawable of the icon I downloaded for this process is incompatible. I used the svg2android tool to SVG convert it to the appropriate format. In this way, I converted the Site to Drawable XML format and included it in the project. SVGIn order to use it properly in Layout, I converted it to XML as src and added the folder icon that I added to the project. We can specify the color we want to give the gold as the tint . Of course, we can change this color programmatically afterwards.I am using the layout here as ListView row. I can define a different color for the icon in each line. The name of the model I use is Folder . There is a title and color data for each folder model. The folder.getColor() in the code is the hex color code of the current folder. Example: #FF0000We convert hex color code to int color code with color.parseColor(folder.getColor()) . Then we change the color of the graphic using the mode with setColorFilterholder.folder.setColorFilter(Color.parseColor(folder.getColor()),;
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