Android 13 will warn you about background apps that are draining your battery By Zoranin Blog - March 18, 2022 Comments: 0 Views: 843 Google has released Android 13 Developer Preview 2, and in this build of the operating system, developers have added alerts for apps that consume too much power in the background. The feature is expected to make it into the final build of Android 13. The system will collect power consumption activity for 24 hours and notify the user of the most active applications. At the same time, the developers noted that the function will take into account the work of applications only in the background. Notifications will come once a day. The notification itself will say that one of the applications consumes too many resources in the background. The user will be prompted to go to the settings and limit his options. Android 13 will respect foreground services, app cache, broadcast receivers, and other activities. There are exceptions for the following range of applications: systemic; working in demo mode; belonging to the owner of the device or profile; VPN; having a role ROLE_DIALER; with unlimited functionality set in the settings.
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