Tutorials Working with ML Kit in Android: how to recognize barcodes The world's first barcode purchase dates back to June 26, 1974 - it was a package of chewing gum in one of the US supermarkets. By reading Mar 7, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 172
Tutorials Kotlin native. Working with a new memory model Let's talk about a new memory management model that appeared a few months back. On August 31, JetBrains presented a preview of the new Mar 6, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 726
Tutorials The best terminal emulators for Android Want to practice your Linux commands? For this, it is not necessary to install a full-fledged distribution kit. There are many websites that Mar 5, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 1 062
Tutorials Jetpack Compose - how to easily build a UI on Android In July of last year, along with Android Studio Arctic Fox, one of the long-awaited libraries, Jetpack Compose, was released. It allows you Mar 4, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 652
Tutorials Jetpack Microbenchmark - testing code performance In mobile development, situations occasionally arise when it is necessary to estimate the execution time of the code. In addition to Mar 3, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 988
Tutorials Record sound and display volume on Android If you've ever recorded audio messages, you've seen the interface animate based on the volume of your voice. Let's repeat this effect: Mar 2, 2022By TMarcel Comments: 0 Views: 727
Tutorials Understanding Android Build Flavors very quickly Build Flavors is a technology that allows you to build multiple variants of an application with a common code base and shared resources. Mar 1, 2022By Zoran Comments: 0 Views: 623
Tutorials Android studio. Kotlin. Saving the file in the public Download folder In working on my project, I spent most of the time figuring out how to correctly save the file to a public folder, for example, Download. I Feb 28, 2022By Zoran Comments: 2 Views: 3 883
Tutorials Most popular hotkeys in Android Studio - Personal opinion Every android developer has thought about improving performance more than once. And so I want to dwell on the analysis of the most popular Feb 28, 2022By DorinK Comments: 0 Views: 563
Tutorials Comparison of Kotlin and Java when writing backend applications I am a developer of large and small backend systems in large companies. I had to write both separate services that communicate with other Feb 27, 2022By DorinK Comments: 0 Views: 685